Date: 04/02/2025


Date: 21/01/2025


Date: 02/12/2024

The next Community Council Meeting will take place on Monday 2nd December 2024 at 18:45pm at the Ynysybwl Community Centre, Ynysybwl

Date: 14/08/2024

New Horizons Mental Health charity is funded by Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board and part of our services is the CTM Recovery College which runs 3 terms per year. The college offers free courses to adults living within CTM area, helping them to learn coping mechanisms to lead a more fulfilling life and not being defined by their mental health. Courses are offered face to face in the community and online. The documents for the Autumn Term timetable and information on course contents can be found in the document section of the website - please access the information there. Thank you

Mini Safari
Date: 16/07/2024

FREE MINI SAFARI WITH LIAM OLDS ! Liam was featured on BBCs Iolas Valleys, talking about how Post-industrial sites such as the Lady Windsor which are now full of rare insects and now considered important wildlife habitats. On this mini safari there will be opportunities to record what we find, and there's a small £5 zine publication available to help identify species with background information on each one. We will also be looking for anyone interested in joining a ‘FRIENDS OF LADY WINDSOR’ action group Please email me to book a place and/or to register interest in the friends group: email

Date: 15/07/2024

WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE A COMMUNITY COUNICLLOR AND HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN YOUR COMMUNITY There is currently 1 vacancy for a community councillor to the Ynysybwl & Coed-y-Cwm Community Council. The council can now fill this vacancy by co-option, which is a process whereby the council considers applications from interested persons and can then select someone to fill the vacancy. If you would like to know about what councillors do and how they make a difference in the local community please contact the Clerk to the Ynysybwl & Coed-y-Cwm Community Council at If you are interested in becoming a community councillor, please read the attached document IN THE DOCUMENT SECTION OF THE WEBSITE and forward an email to the Clerk to the council including relevant details about yourself and why you would like to become a community councillor the email address is

Date: 24/06/2024

SUMMER 2024 The Reaching Wider Programme of the University of South Wales, (Prifysgol De Cymru) is offering FREE courses through their summer school for adult learners on the 2nd, 4th and 9th of July 2024. You can enrol by completing the online booking form available at: https:/ For more information please email: or call 01443482550

Date: 24/06/2024

NOTICE OF CASUAL VACANCY YNYSYBWL AND COED-Y-CWM COMMUNITY COUNCIL LOWER Ward NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 87(2) of The Local Government Act 1972, that a CASUAL VACANCY has occurred in the membership of the Ynysybwl and Coed-y-cwm Community Council for the LOWER Ward. If an Election is not claimed as set out below the Council will be required to fill the casual vacancy by co-option in accordance with Section 116, of the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011. An Election will be held if TEN Local Government Electors of the Ward give notice in writing to: The Proper Officer, 10-12 Gelliwastad Road, Pontypridd CF37 2BW, or email requesting an Election. Such notice to be delivered no later than 14 days from the date of this notice. The computation of time in accordance with Rule 2 of the aforementioned rules disregards Bank Holidays, Saturdays and Sundays. A qualified person interested in being considered for co-option in the event of no election being claimed should inform the undersigned. DATED : 24 June 2024 Annemarie Bevan Edwards, Clerk The Old Police Station Paget Street Ynysybwl CF37 3LF

Ynysybwl & Coed-y-Cwm Community Council Annual General Meeting
Date: 30/04/2024

The Annual General Meeting of the Ynysybwl & Coed-y-Cwm Community Council will take place on Tuesday 7th May 2024 @ 18:45pm

Annual Police and Crime Commissioner Consultation
Date: 14/11/2023

Website: Please note - the consultation period closes 18th December 2023 How much would you pay for policing? Precept survey launched giving residents the chance to ‘have their say’. Did you know the Police & Crime Commissioner is responsible for setting the South Wales Police budget and deciding what further funds need to be raised from the additional charge on council tax? This is called the police ‘precept’ and accounts for nearly one half of South Wales Police’s funding, with the rest coming from the Government. In setting the precept, the Commissioner consults with the local electorate through the ‘Our Police, Community’ survey which was launched earlier this month. Responses to the survey will help the Commissioner decide what the public will pay for policing through their council tax in 2024/25. Residents living in a Band D Property in South Wales currently pay £27.04 per month for policing, but over sixty per cent of residents in South Wales are below Band D and pay less and may also receive council tax discounts or benefits. Residents in South Wales currently pay the Welsh average for policing, which is significantly less than the cost of policing in North Wales. If you would like to request a paper copy, you can contact us either by email, phone or post. E-mail: | Phone: 01656 869 366 | Post: South Wales Police & Crime Commissioner, Police Headquarters, Cowbridge Road, Bridgend, CF31 3SU.

Date: 18/10/2023

"CUPPA WITH A COPPA" Meet your local officers - come and talk to your local officers to raise issues about your local area and obtain crime prevention advice. WHERE - YNYSYBWL &COED-Y-CWM COMMUNITY CENTRE WHEN - 4TH NOVEMBER 2023 AT - 12MD- 13:30 HRS

Gwyl Festival
Date: 09/08/2023

The Gwyl Festival will take place on the 27th August 2023. Gates open at 12:30 . Music, family fun and so much more. Brynffynon and number 12 will be providing the bars with food vendors also in attendance. Tickets are £7.00 for adults and children under 12 go free.

One way & road closure Glyncoch Terrace
Date: 13/04/2023

Temporary One way traffic. The unnamed road between 15 & 15 Glyncoch Terrace, in a westerly direction only, from its junction with B4273 Ynysybwl Road to its junction with Cefn Lane. Temporary Rod closure. The unnamed road between 14 & 15 Glyncoch Terrace, from its junction with B4273 Ynysybwl Road to its junction with Cefn Lane. The unnamed road between 6 & 11 Glyncoch Terrace from its junction with B4273 Ynysybwl Road to its junction with Cefn Lane. The one way system will be in place from 25th April 2023 to 30th June 2023, except for when temporary road closures are in operation. Drawings can be checked on the council's Facebook page

Unveiling of Memorial Bench for Tony Burnell
Date: 23/03/2023

There will be the formal unveiling of the Tony Burnell memorial bench which is located at the Rec on Saturday 1st April at 11am. The unveiling will be carried out by his widow, Meryl. She would welcome anybody to the event, particularly those who gave so generously to fund the bench.

Remembrance Parade 2022
Date: 10/11/2022

The Ynysybwl Service of Remembrance will take place at the Ynysybwl Cenotaph on Sunday 13th November. The parade will form up on the corner of Robert Street and Glyn Street at 2.30 pm. and will march to the Cenotaph. The service will take place at 3 pm. at the Cenotaph. Following the service everyone is invited back to the Con Club for a meet and greet.

Gwyl Festival
Date: 24/08/2022

The Community Council is pleased to support the return of the Gwyl Festival on the 28th August, starting at noon and running to 10.30pm. There will be Children's entertainment, cartoon mascots, Rolly Polly, animal farm fireworks and various food outlets and a beer tent. Admission is £7.00, children under 12 are free, and this gets you a programme to plan your day.

Extraordinary meeting 9th August 2022
Date: 04/08/2022

There will be an Extraordinary meeting of the Community Council at the Community Centre on Tuesday 9th August, starting at 6.00 pm. There are only 2 items on the agenda, a request for financial support for Butchers Pool and another request for financial support from the Gwyl Festival.

Picnic in the park
Date: 31/05/2022

The Picnic in the Park event is this Saturday, 4th June and celebrates the Queens Jubilee and the centenary of the Royal British Legion (RBL). Your Community Council has provided financial support for the event which has principally been organised by Cllr Haines for RBL and Cllr Burnell has used his contacts to arrange a variety of acts to entertain Picnic attendees.

Quiz night starting
Date: 16/11/2021

Good news for all quiz night fans. Quiz night has returned to the Rob! Every Tuesday night in the lounge starting at 8.00pm. Why not get a team together and come along.

Ynysybwl Vision
Date: 16/06/2021

Jill and Wyn will be running an Adventure Activity at Butchers Pool Saturday 19th June 10.30am to 12.30pm, pre registration email

NHS Social Care and Frontline Workers Day
Date: 10/06/2021

On July 5th, 1948, the National Health Service (NHS) was born, bringing free healthcare to everyone. In order to celebrate the 73rd birthday of the NHS, the Ynysybwl & Coed y Cwm Community Council will be hosting a tea party to celebrate NHS staff along with all the Social Care and Frontline workers who worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic. Due to logistical reasons linked to the pandemic, there will be just 100 tickets available for this event. Tickets will be needed for anyone 12 years and older, in line with current pandemic legislation. The event will be held between 12 noon and 4 pm on the 5th July 2021. Tickets available from the following link:

Sports & Snacks on the Rec
Date: 28/04/2021

Back by popular demand! Fun, inclusive multi-sport sessions followed by a healthy packed lunch - plus an additional skateboarding special activity. All activities and lunch completely FREE! Due to demand places must be reserved in advance via this ticketing link: Ages 5-11. The skateboarding element will be split into 2 groups (45 minutes per group) based on experience. Groups will be allocated at the start of the session on the day 11.30am.

Date: 21/04/2021

Thursday 11th March. To enrol on the course please contact New Horizons on: 01685 881113,

Dark Sky Wales
Date: 24/02/2021

Dark Sky Wales are providing FREE 1 hour sessions on Dark Sky Awareness. The sessions will look at how dark skies can help businesses and communities to take advantage of this natural and free commodity which is in great abundance across Wales. If you would like to learn more about this project then follow the link below to sign up

The Old Bwl Reopens!
Date: 14/07/2020

Please see the following message from the Old Bwl pub: Big Thank You to all who braved the weather yesterday for our reopening. We are opening today at 3pm, still have a couple of spaces left. If anybody would like to book a table message us on Facebook.

Virtual Town Hall Event
Date: 07/07/2020

History Talk
Date: 07/01/2020

There will be a talk from historian Edwin Parry on the life of Guto Nyth Bran, held at the Old Bwl pub on Wednesday 8th January from 7pm. Hosted by the Roberttown Roadrunners, entry is £2.

Bingo at the Centre
Date: 28/11/2019

Thursday night is bingo night at the Community Centre. Doors open 7pm and eyes down 7:45pm. Come along and have some fun, make some friends and maybe win a pound or two! All ages welcome

Band night at the Con
Date: 26/11/2019

This Friday 29th November at the Con Club Dansette Soul Band £4 entry, doors open 8.30pm

Get Started with Cooking
Date: 25/10/2019

The Princes Trust are running a 'Get Started with Cooking' course for 16-25 year olds, 25th to 29th November in Cardiff with a taster day being held on 19th November. Not only will it boost your confidence and employability, but you'll also have the chance to benefit from the support of a Princes Trust mentor to help you uncover your next steps. - Agored Cymru Level 1 in Get Cooking for Health qualification and Food Hygiene Level 2 qualification - Benefits not affected - Boost employability skills - Up to 6 months of support - Travel expenses paid on programme To join the course or find out more:- Search 'Princes Trust Cymru' Text 'Call Me' to 07983 385418 Call for free on 0800 842842 Email:

Historical Talk
Date: 25/10/2019

'Llanwonno: A Historical Talk' will be held at Pontypridd Library on Wednesday 30th October at 11am. Entry £2. For more information ring 07810 277048

Family Fun Days
Date: 24/10/2019

A series of Family Fun Days will be held throughout the Valleys during half term from 11am till 2pm and will include:- Bucking Pumpkin Climbing Wall Balloon Artistry Circus Skills Arts & Crafts ...and much more! Tuesday 29th October, Michael Sobell Leisure Centre Wednesday 30th October, Rhondda Sports Centre Thursday 31st October, Tonyrefail Sports Centre for more info contact Gail Beynon, 01443 404628

Senior Citizens Christmas Dinners
Date: 24/10/2019

Ynysybwl & Coed-y-Cwm Community Council's annual Senior Citizens Christmas Dinners will take place on Tuesday 10th, Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th December. Held at the Community Centre, the dinners start at 1pm each day (sit down at 12.30pm) and the £2 cost includes a meal, free raffle, entertainment and a visit from Santa. Tickets are available from the Community Centre from Monday 4th November (not 11th as stated in the Clydach Newstream - apologies, this was an error by YCC)

Halloween Disco at the Con
Date: 24/10/2019

Come and join the Halloween disco on Friday 25th October between 5pm and 7pm at Ynysybwl Con Club. Music, glitter tattoos, raffle and lots more for children and adults to enjoy! We will be serving hot dogs, cake, sweets, cartons, cans of soft drinks and other refreshments. Tickets are £2,50 each, only 100 available so will be sold on a first come, first served basis. For tickets, please contact Cylch Meithrin Ynysybwl on 01443 791111 between 9am and 3pm, Monday to Friday

Careers Fair
Date: 16/09/2019

Rhondda Cynon Taf Council will be hosting another FREE Careers Fair on Thursday, 19thSeptember in Llantrisant Leisure Centre.…/Archive/2019/S…/CareersFair.aspx

Village Voices
Date: 16/09/2019

Village Voices returns in it's traditional guise on Friday 22nd November in the Con Club. Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start. Already signed up are Jason 'Bomber' Williams, Heather Main, Owain Felstead, Richard Haddock, Tommy Cad, Phill Evans, Geraint Dixon and hopefully even more acts. All proceeds will be donated to Ysgol Ty Coch.

Communities for Work Event
Date: 19/03/2019

Jobs Available! Immediate starts through RCT. Are you passionate about helping people? If so the Care Sector needs You! You can benefit from competitive rates of pay, flexible hours in a rewarding industry. Join us for a coffee and cake where you will be able to meet some Care Workers to talk about their experiences. There will also be a number of employers ready to recruit YOU! So come along and meet us on: Tuesday 26th March, 10am till 1pm @ Hapi Hub, Rhydyfelin, CF37 5HL OR Thursday 28th March, 10am till 1pm @ Glyncoch Community Centre, CF37 3DA

Live Music at the Old Bwl
Date: 30/01/2019

"Live Music at the Old Bwl" The welcome return of Justin Priest - one of Pontypridd's finest solo artists Free admission Saturday 2nd February, 7pm start

Live Music at the Con
Date: 30/01/2019

Line up of live Friday night music at the Con Club so far in 2019... 22/02/19/ - FUTURE SAILORS.. 29/03/19 - MIDNIGHT HOUR BAND 26/04/19 - ARCADE 80S BAND £3 entry

Live Music at the Rugby Club
Date: 19/12/2018

Head to the Rugby Club on Sunday 23rd December where live band 'The Late Shift' will be playing from 4pm. Free entry!

Carol Service at Glyn Street
Date: 19/12/2018

Glyn Street Chapel will be holding it's annual Christmas Eve carol service from 7pm - All welcome!

Christmas Day Service
Date: 19/12/2018

The Christmas morning communion service will be held at Zion Church from 9.30am with Raymond Vincent

Daerwynno events
Date: 19/12/2018

Daerwynno will be hosting a Junior Day and Caterpillar Club over the Christmas holidays, details will be displayed on the village notice boards

Boxing Day at the Rec
Date: 19/12/2018

Boxing Day at the Rec - Past v Present Charity Match, kick off 11.30am, entry £1.50 which includes a programme of the day's events. A pantomime/childrens entertainment in the Rugby Club after the game. All proceeds will go to a local charity.

New Year at the Rob
Date: 19/12/2018

New Year at the Rob New Year's Eve - Disco and karaoke New Year's Day - Ystrad Taff Fechan Hunt, leaving the Rob at 11am Following the Hunt's departure, the Ramblers will be setting off from the Rob on their annual local walk in memory of departed members

Robbies Chip Run!
Date: 16/12/2018

The Roberttown Road Runners will be hosting a 'Chip Run' on Saturday 22nd December, leaving the Rob at 12pm for a short run then back to the Rob for chips and a few beers. All ages and abilities welcome!

United Churches Carol Service
Date: 16/12/2018

United Churches Carol Service will be held in Christ Church on Wednesday 19th December at 1.45pm. Special guests, Trerobart School Choir, all welcome

80s Revival!
Date: 13/12/2018

Popular 80s band The Spectrums will be playing at the Con Club on Sunday 16th December. 5pm start, free entry

Carol Service at Zion
Date: 13/12/2018

Zion's annual carol service will be held on Sunday 16th December at 7pm with an appearance from the Children's Choir and band

Childrens Christmas Party
Date: 13/12/2018

The Rugby Club are hosting a children's Christmas party on Sunday 16th December. 3pm start, £1 entry which includes a selection box

Childrens Christmas Party
Date: 13/12/2018

The Rugby Club are hosting a children's Christmas party on Sunday 16th December. 3pm start, £1 entry which includes a selection box

Santas Magical Journey
Date: 23/11/2018

Santa has a brand new sleigh this year and he will be showing this off on his annual Magical Journey through the village on Wednesday 5th December! Stopping points are as follows: 5.00pm Old Bwl Bus Terminus 5.20pm Buarth-y-Capel roundabout 5.50pm Rugby Club top car park 6.10pm Roberttown Service Station on the Square 6.50pm Dan-y-Cribyn roundabout 7.00pm Coed-y-Cwm bridge 7.20pm Start of Pen-y-Parc The Christmas lights will be switched on during Santa's time at the Square Please note all times are approximate

YCP Carol Service
Date: 21/11/2018

Ynysybwl Community Project will be holding it's annual Carol Service at the lounge of the United Services Inn (The Bomb) on Friday 7th December. Entry is £1 which includes a glass of mulled wine (adults only!) and a mince pie. Doors open at 7pm. Sheila Grant will read the Christmas story and Father Christmas arrives at 7.30pm. Carols and Christmas cheer all night, all welcome!

Senior Citizens Christmas Dinners
Date: 21/11/2018

Tickets for the Senior Citizens Christmas Dinners are now available from the Community Centre every weekday between 11am and 1pm. They will be held at the Centre on Tuesday 11th, Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th December at 1pm. Cost is £2 per head (which includes a free raffle ticket). Numbers are limited to 52 per day on a first come, first served basis. Residents must live in the Community Council area. For more information, contact the Community Centre on 01443 790316.

Christmas Fayre
Date: 21/11/2018

Friends of Butchers Pool will be holding a Christmas Fayre at the Roberttown Hotel on Saturday 8th December at 11am. Bring the children along for a chance to meet Father Christmas and enjoy some fun with Roly Poly Entertainments! There will be various stalls for some Christmas shopping and the opportunity to join in with our raffle and quiz. All monies raised will go toward the Butchers Pool fund.

Annual Remembrance Concert
Date: 06/11/2018

The 17th Ynysybwl Legion Branch's Annual Remembrance Concert will be held on Friday 9th November at 7pm in the Ynysybwl Community Project Hall in the United Services Inn (The Bomb). The programme consists of the RAF (Voluntary) Band of St Athan, back by popular demand, Trerobart School Choir, Ynysybwl Ladies Choir and Cor Meibion Abercynon. Tickets are £4, available from any Legion member or pay on the door.

Annual Remembrance Concert
Date: 15/10/2018

The 17th Ynysybwl Legion Branch's Annual Remembrance Concert will be held on Friday 9th November at 7pm in the Bomb. The programme consists of the RAF (Voluntary) Band of St Athan, back by popular demand, Trerobart School Choir, Ynysybwl Ladies Choir and Cor Meibion Abercynon. Tickets are £4, available from any Legion member.

Halloween Party
Date: 15/10/2018

Ynysybwl Community Project are holding their annual Halloween party on Wednesday 31st October, 7pm, downstairs in the Bomb. Games and ducking apples! £1 admission, includes a hot dog. All welcome

The Big Bang!
Date: 15/10/2018

Ynysybwl & Coed-y-Cwm Community Council in association with Ynysybwl Enterprise Programme present THE BIG BANG Fireworks Showtime! Lady Windsor Colliery Site, Saturday 3rd November from 6pm. Free Admission Food for all tastes and more

Halloween Fun Run
Date: 11/10/2018

HALLOWEEN FUN RUN - 1st November The run is open to anyone but is mainly for the benefit of the children. Starting at the bottom of Other St at 6.30 , it goes through Wellwood, Buarth Y Capel, Church St, Crawshay St and finishes in the Green Park (approx. one and a half miles). There is no entry charge and all junior finishers will get a goody bag. The course will be very well marshalled for safety and there will be experienced runners with the children. Parents are more than welcome to join in. The event is a fun run and therefore there is no pressure to run all the way and finishing positions don't matter. Fancy dress is encouraged to make a spectacle of it. Organised by the Robbies and supported by Ynysybwl Enterprise Programme.

Fun Quiz
Date: 11/10/2018

There will a fun quiz at the Community Centre on Friday 12th October at 7pm. Tickets are £2.50 each (available from a church representative) and include light refreshments. All proceeds to Christian Aid.

Cancer Care Fund Raiser
Date: 11/10/2018

Village Voices presents a night of music at Ynysybwl Con Club on Friday 26th October. Sounds of the 50s to the present day featuring popular Swansea duo 'Backtrack' and our very own Heather Main and Jason 'Bomber' Williams. As usual the MC will be Tommy Cadwallader. Starts 7.30pm, admission £3. All proceeds to Rowan Tree Cancer Care.

Village Voices
Date: 04/04/2018

The next Village Voices event will be held upstairs in the Con Club on Friday 20th April, 7pm start. This will replace the event that was postponed on 2nd March due to snow. The evening will consist of (mostly) local people entertaining us with music, stories and poetry. There will also be a performance from Trerobart School pupils. Tickets are £2 with under 16s having free entry. All proceeds will be donated to Trerobart Primary School. This is a fantastic evening with lots of talent from the village on display. Come along and enjoy the night while helping to raise funds for your local school.